Monday, December 31, 2007
Jumping The Gun
As a necessary corrective to the mayhem & madness which will engulf the streets & bars over the next few hours, I'd recommend the Random Acts Of Reality blog by Tom Reynolds, a London paramedic who will be working this evening ( ). Tom has promised to update the blog as the night/morning wears on. Good luck, Tom.
The thought that 2008 is just a few hours away is rather sobering in itself. For better or worse, the Capital of Culture madness will swing into action as the clock strikes midnight.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Festival Favours

Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's always a little disheartening, though not exactly astonishing, when the so-called serious press is guilty of sloppy journalism over Merseyside. One such instance was to be found in last week's Guardian in an article on the growth of blogs in UK towns & cities: .
According to the piece's author, Guy Clapperton, the blogging scene in Liverpool is slight:
"Not surprisingly," he sneers, "the city is characterised by a plethora of footie blogs pretending to be city blogs."
Clapperton's piece does go on to mention the Liverpool Subculture blog ( ), but no others in a dismissively short paragraph. No mention of Liverpool Blogs ( ) nor the blogs featured on the Art In Liverpool website ( ).
There are many things in an unready state for 2008, but the city's burgeoning blogging scene isn't one of them.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Una Probabilita Per Vendetta? *

With this week's Champions League draw pairing Liverpool & Inter Milan for the first time since their meeting in 1965, it's worth recalling that tie & the way in which Inter bribed the Spanis referee, Snr. Ortiz de Mendebil for the second leg at the San Siro: .
Also: .
(With thanks to for reproduction of the image .)
* A Chance For Revenge?
Before The Farce Begins

Ahead of the institutional cock-up that will be 2008 (thank you, Tony Parrish, you've made the council, the Culture Company & the Echo look like complete clowns, keep it up: ), there is some cheering information about the arts scene locally in today's Observer (,,2231521,00.html ).
The emerging young artists, musicians & others involved in the city's arts scene have a take on 2008 which refreshingly steers clear of the old cliches & Scouse stereotypes. Indeed, some of them have settled in Liverpool, enabling them to have a fresh perspective on the forthcoming year as well as their general perceptions of the city. One or two have a timely dig at the farce concocted by the council & their partners in crime at the Culture Company.
With Jason Harborrow retiring (yet again) to his Spanish hacienda before his final pay off at the council tax payers expense & Messrs. Storey & Bradley finally facing the music for their culpability, it's heartening to know that the city's arts scene is getting on with its own projects & not allowing the civic chaos to affect their own work.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Acting On Impulse

If the comedians running the Liverpool Culture Company had been doing their job properly, they might, just might, have secured this gig for the city. Instead, the 60s are re-heated & served up yet again for local consumption.
The Emperor's New Clothes