Among the comments that are thrown at those of us who condemn what's being done to the city of Liverpool (& I'm referring to the more repeatable ones here) is the contention that Liverpool has to move on & change with the times; Wayne gets that sort of thing quite often from commenters lacking the courage of their convictions to ditch the "anonymous" tag.
So when yet another part of what is still titled a World Heritage Site is defaced in the name of progress & modernity, it is accompanied by the claim that Liverpool can't live in the past. We need to move on, says Oldham Hall Street. Hmmm, OK, let's go back through the editorials in the Oldham Echo over the last week which reflect that attitude.
Ah yes, got one here, I think. Here it is: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/views/our-view/2010/02/25/why-liverpool-needs-to-do-more-to-make-the-most-of-the-beatles-100252-25909501/ .
The Oldham Echo editorial begins predictably:
"There are still those who insist that Liverpool somehow overplays the fact that it gave birth to the four lads who shook the world.
"The Beatles, as they say, moved on from the city - and it's time the city moved on from them.
"Some even suggest there is little real demand for attractions connected to John, Paul, George & Ringo.
"All of which is nonsense."
Apart from the shameless lifting of the phrase Arthur Dooley chose to accompany his sculpture in Matthew Street (no attribution, surprise, surprise), this well-worn trudge along the Merseybeat Path lives down to expectations. It's said that Paddy Shennan (hello, Paddy!) pens most Echo editorials. If so, this isn't of the same standard as his normal Pulitzer-worthy efforts.
So yes, apparently we don't commemorate The Fabs anywhere near often enough. Presumably, there should be at least half a dozen Matthew Street festivals throughout the year. Indeed, the Echo would probably relish the idea of the city council changing the city's name to something like Beatle City, or Beatleville. Warren Bradley could claim that, 400 years on, the band are as popular as ever. We could also encourage everyone to wear mop-top wigs & ill-fitting collarless suits while David Fleming stands outside the monstrosity that is the new Museum of Liverpool & sings Money (That's What I Want). Warren Bradley could sit at the top of Grosvenor-pool, crooning Fool On The Hill. Jason Harborrow could make a surprise guest appearance & perform a duet with Lee Forde on the classic Fabs song, I Should Have Known Better.
Yes, it's all starting to fall into place now. All we now need is for Phil Redmond to talk about planting tangerine trees & cellophane flowers along Water Street.
The Echo concludes:
"It's surely time for Beatle City to stage a Beatle Summit, during which the main players in the tourism and Beatles industries can get their heads together to help make the most of one of this city's greatest draws."
Absolutely. What greater sign could the city send out to demonstrate its forward-looking, twenty-first century approach?
1 comment:
An earlier council gave the go ahead to fill in the Cavern Club. They knew as much about heritage then as the current shower do now. Could we get Warren Bradley to drive the bulldozer through Ringo's old house ? That would make a nice picture for the Oldham Echo
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