Friday, January 29, 2010

She Said What?!

People say the strangest things when they're trying to defend the indefensible (just look at Blair's offerings to The Iraq Inquiry today). Sly Bailey, chief executive of Trinity Mirror, publisher of the Daily Ghost & Oldham Echo, last week railed against the proliferation of council-run competitors to local papers. She described such competitors as "mini Pravdas" ( ).
Yes, the woman ultimately responsible for the "content" that goes into the Daily Ghost & Oldham Echo had the gall to dismiss council-run efforts as propaganda. Of course, there wouldn't be a need for the city council to compete with both papers, seeing that press releases are republished verbatim, statements by the Fib Dem leaders are quoted unquestioningly & dissenting voices are conspicuous by their absence in Trinity Mirror's rags.
The words, pot, kettle & black come to mind.


Guillaume said...

The nerve of that woman. She thinks she is a Russian oligarch or what?

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David Swift said...

I gave up reading the Trinity Mirror's propaganda sheets a while ago, I now get all my news from sources I can trust. Thank you for this site and all the others who tell it like it is. No wonder the Daily Ghost got it's nickname, it is a shadow of a once respected paper. I remember when our local paper got an award for best provincial newspaper