Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Handling The Fall-Out

I am pleasantly surprised to see that David Bartlett has picked up on my post about Esther McVey (http://blogs.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/dalestreetblues/2009/07/publicity-that-esther-mcvey-an.html ).
Just last week the Dale Street Blues blog noted that Ms. McVey, along with West Derby's Labour candidate Stephen Twigg, had been named as one of thirty parliamentary candidates to watch for the future (http://blogs.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/dalestreetblues/2009/07/esther-mcvey-and-stephen-twigg.html ).
David quoted from a piece on the Insight Public Affairs website (http://www.insightpa.com/InsightPA_PPCGuide.pdf ). Insight noted that "McVey is currently Managing Director of her owncompany Making It (UK) Ltd which specialises in public relations and strategic marketing."
For someone whose forte is claimed to be public relations, Ms. McVey has shown a remarkably cack-handed approach to her little local difficulty on the Dock Road.
Insight goes on to say:
"The party leadership have high hopes for her. With sharp communication skills, befitting a former TV presenter, her background in business and deep local roots make her popular in the constituency and with CCO [Conservative Central Office]."
Cameron's people may well be rolling their eyes & muttering urgently into their mobiles if this is an example of Ms. McVey's "sharp communication skills".

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