Tuesday, August 03, 2010


When Sly Bailey, chief executive of Trinity Smoking Mirrors has finished sacking staff whilst awarding herself a cool £670,000 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/greenslade/2010/jun/17/slybailey-mediabusiness & http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/apr/07/trinity-mirror-sly-bailey-pay ), she might like to address the divergent, not to mention dubious patterns in her fiefdom. Yesterday's Media Monkey blog on the Guardian site (http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/mediamonkeyblog/2010/aug/02/mirror-football ) reports on a charming piece from the Mirror Football site, linking the use of video technology in the Football League this season with the recent trial of Jon Venables: "It was good enough for Jon Venables in his recent trial and it will be introduced by the FA this season. We're talking video technology for disciplinary hearings."
And on it continues in a way which evokes the phrase, sewer journalism.
Given that the Mirror's stable-mate, the Oldham Echo has extensively quoted Denise Fergus in the light of Venables' trial, it shouldn't be too much for Bailey to look into the matter & issue a fulsome apology. Should it?

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